1.4.10: Business Continuity Policy
The Campus Safety Committee is responsible for assessing risks to the University and maintaining emergency plans. These plans allow for Spalding University departments to maintain essential critical functions in the event of a small or large scale crisis/disaster. They detail the events that will take place to support recovery of essential business processes caused by an interruption to normal college operations. Tornados, severe weather, bomb threat, pandemics, cyber threats, an active shooter event, civil unrest are a few examples of some of these scenarios.
The Emergency Procedures guide details immediate actions that students, facutly and staff may need to take in the event of an emergency or disaster. The Spalding University Leadership Team maintains and reviews plans for the continuation of instruction and other essential services in cases where campus facilities or other resources may be unavailalble. The Infromation Technology department is reponsible for ensuring that software systems are available and electronic backups are conducted to prevent the loss of data in the event of a hardware failure or other unexpected events. The Information Technology reviews annual reports from third party systems to verify that they have appropriate backup and recovery procedures and testing.
See also, Spalding University Emergency Procedures: https://www2.spalding.edu/emergency/; 1.4.7: Electronic Backup Policy .