Crime Prevention Programs | Spalding University Policy Guide Crime Prevention Programs

Spalding’s crime prevention and education efforts stress both good personal safety habits and the importance of community safety. Campus Safety would much rather prevent crimes from occurring than react to them after the fact. The department’s security and safety services and comprehensive crime prevention program work to accomplish this goal. The University’s crime prevention program is based upon the dual concepts of eliminating and minimizing criminal opportunities whenever possible and encouraging students and employees to be responsible for the security and safety of themselves and others.

The following is a list of the services and programs offered by Campus Safety and the Office of Student Development and Campus Life.

1. Escort Service: Campus Safety personnel offer escorts to provide security and safety for those students and employees who must walk alone on campus. Dialing ext.4444 from any campus telephone will put you in direct contact with Campus Safety. See Subsection 2.3.2 for additional information.

2. Security/Safety Reports: These reports indicate potential security and safety hazards discovered by our personnel during their routine building patrols. The reports note unsecured doors, unlocked/unattended rooms or laboratories, valuables left unattended, open/unlocked windows, lights left on (that should be off) and lights turned off (that should be on, i.e., in stairwells). These reports are distributed to the individuals responsible for the building or area in order to inform them of potential problems and to seek their assistance in solving these security/safety hazards.

3. Work Orders: These are sent to the facilities management department so the security/safety hazards can be remedied and broken or damaged items repaired.

4. Security/Safety Inspections: Comprehensive security/safety surveys are conducted in most campus facilities each year and each facility is inspected during routine patrols for any safety infractions.

5. Facilities Surveys: Comprehensive surveys of exterior lighting, interior lighting, emergency equipment, exterior doors and the trees and shrubbery are conducted at various intervals throughout the year.

6. Lost and Found: These items are recorded and stored in the Campus Safety office for 60 days.

7. New-student Orientation: Crime prevention presentations and printed materials are made available to new students during the summer months and at any time upon request. All students receive a Student Handbook (Volume VII) detailing personal safety procedures for the campus.

8. New-employee Orientation: Current crime prevention materials and a copy of this pamphlet are given to each new employee during employee orientation by human resources.

9. Residence Life Programs: All residence hall students are informed of campus safety policies and procedures during the first hall meeting. Incidents concerning the safety of residence hall students are presented during hall meetings in a timely and appropriate manner. Each year the residence hall staff offers educational programs, addressing campus safety, including but not limited to: self-defense, rape prevention, substance abuse, and healthy relationships.

10. Freshman Seminar: A program addressing personal safety and healthy relationships is presented in each freshman seminar class annually. A Spalding University staff member presents information about campus policies and procedures, personal safety responsibility, rape awareness, and rape prevention. The program is continually evaluated and updated to meet Spalding University campus safety needs.

11. Student Handbook: The Spalding University Student Development and Campus Life Office publishes a student handbook annually. The handbook contains a section detailing campus and personal safety. Students receive student handbooks during Welcome Week or can pick one up in the Student Development and Campus Life Office.

12. Assertiveness and assault prevention seminar - An assertiveness and assault-prevention seminar is designed to acquaint members of the Spalding community with the realities of crime and the potential for assault and rape and to make them more aware of their options if they find themselves in such a situation.

Crimes reported to Campus Safety or local authorities, which are deemed a threat to the safety of the campus community, will be communicated to the campus community within 24 hours of the report. Reporting of this information will be accomplished via the campus computer network and through postings at Morrison Hall and all other public information bulletin board throughout campus.

A log of all crime on campus, including crime information reported to Campus Safety for property contiguous to campus, shall be maintained daily. The crime log will be available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Safety Office or on-line via the campus computer network. See Subsection 2.3.3 for additional information.