Safety Tips
Students and employees can do several things to protect themselves from crime. Many crimes occur only because there was an opportunity for them to happen. For example, most crimes of burglary and theft are random, not calculated. They occur because a residence hall door, or a room door or window was unsecured, or because car doors were unlocked. On a friendly campus, it is easy to think, “Nothing will happen.” But crime can happen anywhere.
Here are some safety tips. Personal Safety
When out:
1. Avoid walking or studying alone in a building at night.
2. Arrange to walk in groups with at least one companion, especially at night.
3. Walk in well-lit areas at night.
4. Do not ignore intuition; if you suspect you are being followed, change directions or head for a public area or group of people.
5. Do not carry large sums of cash.
6. Avoid less-frequented places when alone, especially late at night.
7. If a driver stops to ask for directions, don’t get too close to the car and risk being pulled in.
8. Be aware of how you carry your purse or bag, and don’t leave it unattended.
9. Avoid using stairwells in remote sections of a building.
10. Never prop doors open especially fire doors, even for a short time.
11. Refrain from shortcuts; walk where there is plenty of light and traffic.
12. Know where the telephones are located on campus.
13. Walk in a group with other people.
14. Use the Campus Escort Service.
When in the residence hall:
1. Keep emergency numbers near or on the phone.
2. Never let a stranger in your room.
3. If a stranger asks to use your phone, don’t let the stranger in; offer to make the call yourself.
4. Don’t hesitate to ask strangers or repair persons in the residence halls for proper identification.
5. Never leave an outside door to the residence hall propped open.
6. Never give out information about yourself to strangers on the phone.
7. Keep your doors locked at all times - when you are in the room and when you leave.
Members of the Campus community are encouraged to report any unsafe or suspicious activity to Campus Safety. Try to remember specific details-height, weight, clothing and other identifiers. Campus Safety officers can be reached directly by dialing ext. 4444 from any campus phone, or 873-4444 from any outside phone.
Any member of Spalding Campus Safety will be happy to answer any questions or address any concerns regarding safety on campus. The office telephone number is 873-4444. Automobile Protection
1. Park your auto in a well-lighted area.
2. Keep your auto locked; never leave the keys in the vehicle.
3. Engrave audio equipment and car phones with an identifying number and keep a record of product serial numbers.
4. Do not leave valuables unattended and in plain view. Lock them in the trunk or take them with you. Property Protection
Spalding University is not responsible for loss of or damage to individual’s personal property. Participate in Operation Identification by engraving an identifying number on your valuables. Record serial numbers of items or even take photographs of small items for identification purposes. Keep this information in a safe place for future reference. Never leave personal items unattended. Take them with you if you are leaving the office, classroom, library or lounge. Door-to-Door Soliciting
Door-to-door soliciting is not permitted in University residence facilities or in University offices. Violations of this rule shall be reported immediately to the Director of Residence Life or the Chief of Campus Safety.