5.8.1: Resignation
An employee who is considering resignation should discuss the situation with the employee’s supervisor and the Human Resources Director. Unless otherwise specified in an individual’s written employment agreement, it is requested that an employee submit written notice of resignation at least fourteen (14) days prior to the effective date of resignation. The official resignation date will be the last day worked. Benefits will cease as of the last day of the calendar month in which employment terminates. Paid time off may not be used to extend the resignation date.
Only unused paid time off hours accrued in the then current year will be paid out upon separation from employment, unless employment is terminated for cause. Termination for cause includes, but is not limited to, financial malfeasance or serious misconduct. If an employee voluntarily resigns, the employee must submit a written resignation to the supervisor and Human Resources at least two weeks in advance of the resignation date to received paid time off hours accrued in the current year.
When a staff member retires after 20 consecutive years of service or more, the employee will be paid his or her total accrued (carry over and current accrued) paid time off.