Offenses | Spalding University Policy Guide Offenses

Employees may be subject to discipline up to and including termination, for misconduct, including for any of the offenses listed below. This list is not intended to be exhaustive and may be modified from time to time. Corrective and disciplinary action will be determined by the University on a case-by-case basis in proportion to the type of offense and the severity of the violation. A single incident of misconduct could result in termination and the University reserves the right to discipline any employee for conduct it deems inappropriate.

1. Violation of University policies or procedures;

2. Violation of local, state or federal law;

3. Dishonesty, including theft of University property or the property of other employees, students, or anyone on University premises;

4. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of alcohol or a controlled substance in the workplace;

5. Drug- or alcohol-induced intoxication in the workplace or during working hours;

6. Immoral conduct;

7. Insubordination;

8. Neglect in performing one’s duties;

9. Refusal to perform one’s duties;

10. Discourteous or unprofessional treatment of other employees, students, or the public;

11. Conduct which disrupts University activities;

12. Misuse or unauthorized use of University property;

13. Intentional disruption of University computer systems, unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of University computer systems or material, improper access to University computer files and systems, or violation of copyright or proprietary material restrictions connected with University computer systems, programs, or material;

14. Unauthorized release of confidential information;

15. Harassment or sexual harassment;

16. Racial, ethnic, cultural or religious intolerance or intolerance of any protected status, including age, disability, gender, pregnancy, national origin or sexual orientation;

17. Any conduct or activity which is inconsistent with an employee being off work on a medical leave of absence, FMLA or workers’ compensation;

18. Any act which may represent a conflict of interest;

19. Fraud, or any act of dishonesty, against the University, its workers’ compensation carrier, or its health insurance carrier. This includes, but is not limited to, lying or misrepresenting the need for sick or personal leave or FMLA leave or any other type of leave authorized by the University;

20. Any violation of the E-mail or Internet policies;

21. Failure to keep and/or maintain the confidentiality of records of the University, its employees, students or alumni, or otherwise engage in conduct in violation of the Employee Confidentiality Agreement;

22. Knowingly furnishing false, misleading, or incomplete information or reports to the University;

23. Careless, negligent or intentional acts or failures to act in the workplace that could place others at risk of harm;

24. Intimidating or threatening by word or action any employee or student of the University or use of abusive, foul or disrespectful language;

25. Fighting, disorderly conduct, acts of violence or any type of behavior which could or does endanger the health, welfare or safety of any person or disrupts business activities while on the University’s premises;

26. Possession of deadly weapons, ammunition, explosives or destructive devices of any type anywhere on the University’s premises or commit any violation of the University’s weapons policy;

27. Unexcused absence or tardiness; or

28. Any other act or omission that in the University’s judgment threatens the well being of the University or any of its employees, its students, or the public.