2.4.5: Spalding Mass Email Lists
Spalding Mass Email Lists
Use of campus wide email lists for all employees and all students is restricted to designated staff in the following areas President’s Office, Provost Office, Facilities, Campus Safety, Human Resources, Athletics, Advancement, Marketing, Registrar’s Office, Bursar’s Office, Finance Department, Payroll, Information Technology, Financial Aid, Student Development and Campus Life, Dean of Academic Support Services, Career Center, Dean of Enrollment Management, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Dean of Graduate Studies.
If you are sending an email to one of these lists, follow these guidelines. The message should be thoroughly proofread for grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation and accuracy. Be sure to include dates, times, locations and contact information. Your entire announcement should be included in the body of the message (no attachments). Most recipients will read the message on a mobile device and will miss important details if they are required to open an attachment. The message must pertain to Spalding University or Spalding sponsored events only.
To send to all students, full-time faculty, part-time faculty and staff use the address:
To send to all full-time faculty, part-time faculty and staff use the address:
To send to all students use the address:
The students list includes all students who are currently registered or have registered for a class in the previous 6 months. Spalding graduates and those who have chosen not to continue their studies are removed from the list after each semester.