Guidelines | Spalding University Policy Guide Guidelines

1. In order to preserve not for profit (501C-3) status, the law requires that the University not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

2. The University shall not endorse any candidate for political office.

3. All address lists used by the University are considered confidential and shall not be shared with candidates or parties. Individuals may personally deliver campaign literature, but mail room facilities are not to be used for addressing or distributing political materials.

4. No campaign posters shall be posted in or on any of the Spalding University buildings or on campus grounds prior to or during election times, with the exception of those used for historical displays or educational purposes.

5. University buildings and grounds shall not be rented or used for political fund raising. Further, University facilities and services may not be used by or on behalf of an outside organization or outside individual whose purpose is to further the cause of a particular candidate or political party. For example, a meeting on campus with an organizer for a specific candidate that is focused on recruiting campaign workers from the student population would be a violation of these guidelines. On the other hand, a Spalding University graduate now working for a particular candidate speaking on campus to a group of students about what it has been like to be in the political arena, and what the candidate’s particular experience has been, would be allowable. The fact that this person casually offers an invitation at the end of the speech to join in on the campaign would not negate the overall educational focus of the event.

6. Campus organizations may use campus communications to announce political forums and discussions sponsored by officially constituted campus groups.

7. No campus political activities, including services and materials, may be paid for with University funds.

8. Use of University properties is subject to University scheduling policy.

9. Funds or contributions for political candidates or campaigns may not under any circumstances be solicited in the name of Spalding University or on the Spalding University campus, and University resources may not be used in soliciting such funds. If Spalding University students, faculty, or staff make political contributions, they must do so as individuals and not on behalf of Spalding University.

10. Campus communications, including those provided by the University’s postal service, phone system, or its computer network, shall not be used in support of one particular candidate.

11. Students of the University are free to express their individual and collective political views provided they understand and make clear they are not speaking for or in the name of Spalding University. Endorsement of a particular candidate by a registered student group is not permissible.

12. The Spalding University name and insignia may not appear on stationery or any other material used or intended for support of a particular candidate. This prohibition also applies to any Spalding University entities supported in whole or part by University funds, such as registered student organizations.

13. Appearance of a candidate for public office on campus must be for an educational or informational talk to the University community and must be sponsored by a registered student, faculty or staff organization. Appearances must be coordinated with Spalding University, who will ensure that opportunities to appear on campus are extended to all viable candidates running for a particular public office. The event shall not be conducted as a campaign rally, and the moderator shall make it clear that the institution does not support or oppose the candidate.