5.3.1: Recruitment and Selection of Employees
In order to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity regulations and Affirmative Action policies, the Human Resources Director is responsible for the coordination of the recruitment of staff employees, with final selection to be recommended by the employing department or the designated search committee for a vacant professional position.
A request for posting of a vacancy for an existing position must be approved by the appropriate Director and submitted to the Human Resources Director. Requests to fill new positions (not included in the current approved budget) must include documentation to support the need for the position, and must receive the approval of the President of the University.
Position openings will be posted at/on the University’s website, and will be advertised externally as recommended by the appropriate members of the administration. All applicants will be directed to respond to the Human Resources Director. A record of applicant response information will be maintained for each vacant position.
Current University staff employees are encouraged to apply for any position for which they are qualified. Staff employees are selected on the basis of job-related qualifications. When possible, vacancies are filled by promotion or transfer of qualified staff employees from within the University.
New staff employees must complete all necessary forms as required by law and/or by the University before commencing work. Payroll checks will not be processed without appropriate completion of the required forms. Procedures for the search and appointment of faculty members are provided in Article XI, Section E of the Faculty Governance Document.