Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
As required by the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, members of the University community are hereby notified by Spalding University that the following constitutes prohibited conduct on Spalding University premises or at Spalding University sponsored activities:
1. Unauthorized distribution, possession, or abuse of any alcohol, controlled substance or illegal drug, as defined by the Kentucky Revised Statues, Chapter 2ISA;
2. Providing alcohol beverages to individuals under 21 years of age, or possession or use of alcohol beverages by individuals under 21 years of age; or
3. Unauthorized possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage, public intoxication, unauthorized distribution of alcoholic beverages for purposes of illegal distribution.
In addition to imposition of disciplinary sanctions under University procedures including suspension or separation from the University for such acts, employees and students may face prosecution and imprisonment under Kentucky laws that make such acts felony and misdemeanor crimes. Any employee convicted of a criminal drug offense is required by law to notify the University within five (5) days of the conviction.
The health risks associated with the misuse and abuse of mind-altering drugs, including controlled substances and alcohol, include but are not limited to the following: physical and psychological dependence; damage to the brain, pancreas, kidneys, and lungs; high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes; ulcers; birth defects; a diminished immune system, and death.
The University provides assessment and referral services to University students and employees and serves, as well, as an alcohol and other drug information/education resource. Service for students are available through the Student Counseling Center at 585-7127.