3.1.16: Outside Employment
Except as otherwise provided in an individual’s employment agreement, employees may hold a job with another organization as long as itdoes not:
1. Interfere with scheduled work hours.
2. Affect the satisfactory performance of regular duties or create workloads that impact an employee’s performance. All employees will be judged by the same performance standards and will be subject to the University’s scheduling demands, regardless of any existing outside work requirements.
3. Cause an accident or create a hazardous situation.
4. Cause the employee to engage their talent with a competitor in a way that would disadvantage the University (not meant to pertain to teaching at another educational institution).
All employees will be judged by the same performance standards and will be subject to the University’s scheduling demands, regardless of any existing outside work requirements. Any questions about what would be considered a disadvantage to the University should be discussed with the appropriate supervisor.
If the University determines an employee’s outside work interferes with the employee’s performance or ability to meet the requirements of the University as they are modified from time to time, the employee may be asked to terminate the outside employment if the employee wishes to remain with the University.
Outside employment that constitutes a conflict of interest is prohibited. Employees may not receive any income or material gain from individuals outside the University for materials produced or services rendered while performing their University jobs.
Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.