3.1.1: Code of Ethics
All employees, by virtue of their employment by the University, agree to accept the responsibilities of membership in the University community, and adhere to the Code of Ethics.
1. Proper operation of the University requires that employees provide responsible service and use the designated organizational channels when seeking decisions and policy determinations.
2. Employees of the University are bound to observe, in their official acts, the highest standards of ethics and morality and to faithfully discharge the duties of their position regardless of personal considerations.
3. Employees shall not act in any way to breach the law, nor should they ask others to do so.
4. No employee shall engage in business or transactions nor have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in such business or transactions which are not compatible with the performance of the employee’s duties for the University or the Mission Statement of the University.
5. Employees shall not disclose confidential information concerning the members of the University community (see Subsection 3.1.3).