Access to Campus Facilities
Most campus buildings and facilities are accessible to members of the campus community, guests and visitors during normal operating hours on weekdays and during the designated hours on weekends. Normal operating hours vary in individual buildings. Hours may vary during periods of time the University is not in normal operation (this includes holidays).
Policies regarding guests and visitors on campus are integrated with other policies relating to student housing, student conduct and facilities access. Except in unusual circumstances, students and other campus community members are held accountable for the actions and conduct of any guest while they are on campus. All guests are subject to the same University rules and regulations governing the conduct of students, faculty and staff. Campus Safety personnel are on campus from 6:00 am to 1:30 am Monday through Friday; and from 7:00 am to 1l:00 pm on weekends (these hours vary on University holidays), to ensure the security and safety of students, staff and visitors, as well as the property of these individuals and the University.